Salford Chiropractic Clinic
St James House
8th Floor, Suite D
Pendleton Way
M6 5FW
Using Satellite Navigation use: M6 5DS
Opening Times
Mon 8am - 9pm
Tuesday 8am - 7pm
Wed 8am - 9pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
T: 0161 736 9855
E: customerservice@salfordchiropracticclinic.co.uk
FREE - NO OBLIGATION 15 minute phone consultation
For anyone unsure whether Chiropractic is for them. Please call us/email to book a convenient time for a call back.
Alternatively you can book this online via appointments, through the diary with a choice of THREE Chiropractors.
Ready to book an Appointment?
You can book online below or call us where our helpful team will get an appointment to suit you.